Preview Edit Michele Vivoda
Test for [grid.value.field] - An standard grid control containing columns that contain the value of an other column - note that @grid.value.field does not work with editable grid ( form.listview=egrid ) - (4) DLHYv (200) ZwrDc (201)
Preview Edit Michele Vivoda
Test for [grid.value.field] - simple collection only - An standard grid control containing columns that contain the value of an other column - note that @grid.value.field does not work with editable grid ( form.listview=egrid ) - 3uHQp (4) bin:DL...
Preview Edit Michele Vivoda
Test of grid all fields for sub form in cell (160) - see 9uWek (161)
Preview Edit Michele Vivoda
Test for complex value list in grid as grid in readonly form OK layout see instance (158) - see also 9uWek (161)
Preview Edit Michele Vivoda
Test of grid all choice for sub form in cell (161) - see msITM (160)