Responsive form with inputs that span different sizes - to check it out maximize the browser window - on mobile/small screen all inputs span the entire row. Done with @form.container
Example of choice in form - BUG check where is applied form.css in table (2 times ?) and also choice.css=red what is ? for the section of the selected value ? Yes is documented like this but works only for DIV. For table capt up colors are ok but bord...
A very old example... a computer shop with choice controls.. at that time those pc configuration were something you could only dream about... This example is also in bindexamples app SQ5eB
READONLY version of BgcUD - A very old example... a computer shop with choice controls.. at that time those pc configuration were something you could only dream about... This example is also in bindexamples app
Unit test radio - OK was the [radio] as class that was messing up, fixed with [form.css] QUESTION: none that becomes one or other dep on size of enum ?
Examples from "Root Control Configuration" section of the form reference: form.cont.css and form.css - Here used with [well] and [badge] Bootstrap class