BIN jcxgi Documentation
Author: Michele Vivoda
Version: 11
Description: Test for the html5.spellcheck extra attribute mapped to the HTML5 spellcheck attribute. Note that at the moment a missing [html5.spellcheck] is mapped to spellcheck=false also for textarea
Created: 2015-09-06
Modified: 2015-09-06
Modifica Bin W3C Schema Json-Schema Java Bean Code Default Value as XML<complexType name='Form' description='Test for the html5.spellcheck extra attribute mapped to the HTML5 spellcheck attribute. Note that at the moment a missing [html5.spellcheck] is mapped to spellcheck=false also for textarea '> <field name='Text' default='fljljks' type='xs:string'/> <field name='TextSpellcheckFalse' extra:html5.spellcheck='false' default='fljljks' type='xs:string'/> <field name='TextSpellcheckTrue' extra:html5.spellcheck='true' default='fljljks' type='xs:string'/> <field name='Textarea' extra:form.control='textarea' default='fljljks' type='xs:string'/> <field name='TextareaSpellcheckFalse' extra:form.control='textarea' extra:html5.spellcheck='false' default='fljljks' type='xs:string'/> <field name='TextareaSpellcheckTrue' extra:form.control='textarea' extra:html5.spellcheck='true' default='fljljks' type='xs:string'/> </complexType>
application/xml // // Eleusoft ARIA