A grid control with a "search in google" action - with an extra column that repeats the Value using [grid.value.field] - Note: fixed for egrid (failed for particle pushed..) - fixed for grid (was no show current value) - use [action.value] since uses [...
A standard grid control with a "search in google" action with [action.condition.field] that prints the link only when there is Value - This version uses grid.format=#linkext to open the link in a new window
Test readonly form and grid with links - Do a link value with action - See how [LinkValueNoDefWithOldWay] {empty} is a link and [form.print.linkUrl] triggers default format #link
ELEUSOFT-265 fixed - grid.label.html over escape in grid.link - note also action.value=false since minOccurs must be zero for actions to not submit/require a value
An standard grid control containing lists, some of numbers or dates (simple) and one of roles (complex). They both use grid.[listformat=#all] to format each item and the complex list use [lct.field] to show the [role.name] field. Fill an item to see it...